Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Why Did I Become Someone Struggling with an Addiction?

Alcoholism and drug addiction are a result of a combination of psychological, genetic, environmental, and social factors. One idea you can use to help with the answer is the ACE questionnaire. This questionnaire was formed as a result of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACES). A completed questionnaire documents different types of abuse, neglect, and having lived in a dysfunctional home growing up.

When you have a tough childhood, you can carry the hurt around inside you. Years may go by, and, as if overnight, you have a raging addiction. Even if you weren’t thinking about your childhood pain, it could still be there, buried in your unconscious mind. The pain may be buried, but it still reels power and wants to find ways to escape it and feel better. Thus, one can slowly start taking drugs or having a glass of bourbon before dinner.

You may have heard an old timer in Alcoholics Anonymous say, You drank because you are an alcoholic. This explanation for some may offer a sufficient answer, but to others, it points to blame. In recovery, one can be best helped from information they gather, but blame can be detrimental to a person’s outlook on their recovery.

Through a therapeutic process and or  , you may find a reason or reasons that answer your question—why did I become someone struggling with an addiction? Information is valuable to your recovery. It helps you move forward one day at a time. Information in the form of difficult memories can slow down your momentum. In recovery, there’s no skipping ahead. We have to deal with what is in front of us. The whys have to be taken one day at a time, too.

If you’re still stymied or stuck on the whys, try thinking instead about being grateful that you’ve taken steps to address an addiction. Be grateful for the simplest things in life. Be grateful for having the courage to work towards a life with peace of mind.

“Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” Rainer Maria Rilke

Serenity Oaks provides an intensive 5 week program to support your sobriety and recovery from addiction. We aim to provide a space where you can find out how and why you have struggled with addiction. Our therapeutic and medical support are just one of the tools we provide to help set you up for success in recovery. Call us to find out how we can help you get started: 844-396-8526.  


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