Thursday, November 8, 2018

Enhancing Your Recovery—Attitude, Gratitude and Generosity

You can have all the therapy, group therapy and counseling you need and want, but still feel like you can’t get to joy. Recovery, feeling better about yourself and your future takes time. That’s a given, but you can start laying the groundwork. Your attitude is crucial, so is gratitude and generosity.

Attitude is important because it makes for a smoother transition from denial to acceptance. Of course you need to respect your emotions and feelings about the addiction that changed the course of your life. They are valid, and, there’s a time when acceptance needs to take hold. This is so you don’t get stuck. If you are continually angry, and harbor negative feelings about addiction, places and things, or people (especially yourself!), it’s time for an attitude shift.

Attitude is everything. It’s your path towards finding joy in your life. Changing your attitude just takes practice listening to yourself, the things you think, and the things you say. All you have to do is catch yourself in the moment, or afterwards. Attitude has a ripple effect. Having a positive attitude about recovery can make a huge difference. It’s been hard to accept that I have an addiction, but I’m going to do everything in my power to follow suggestions and have a positive outlook. Attitude not only affects how you feel about yourself, but how others see and respond to you.

Have you heard the term, an attitude of gratitude? Gratitude can be like a wave gathering momentum. It can start by simply being grateful to be alive and sober, to have a second or third chance. No matter how hard your life was leading up to an addiction, you can probably find something for which to be grateful. I’m grateful to have people who care about my recovery. I’m grateful to have a decent meal, and for people with whom to commiserate and share feelings.

Generosity is more than opening your wallet and giving assistance to your favorite cause. There’s generosity of spirit, too, like driving a friend to a difficult doctor’s appointment, making gluten free cookies for that guy at the AA meeting, lending tools to your neighbor, and listening to a friend in need. Being generous is the gentle boomerang—it comes back and warms your heart.

“Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions. Once expressed, it changes attitude, brightens outlook, and broadens our perspective.”―Germany Kent

Serenity Oaks provides an intensive 5 week program to support your sobriety and recovery from addiction. We provide medical support, detox, and other help such as building life skills. Through individualized programs we help you move forward in recovery. Call us to find out how we can help you get started: 844-396-8526.  


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